Which brings us to some elemental truths:
Fact of Life 1
No one makes me feel anything: happy, mad, sad, glad, comfortable, uncomfortable.
That which we do not like out there (person, place, thing, event),
reminds me of what I am and deny (Don't Even kNow I Am Lying) that actuality.
(We even can deny that we are denying....)
Fact of Life 2
Yes, things occur in conventional reality: people say things, people die, mistakes are made, good things happen, etc.
Often times when we resist things occurring, we create more unnecessary pain and suffering for ourselves.
That which we resist, persists - as the saying goes.
Fact of Life 3
We want to keep things the way they are (really already were).
We hold onto thoughts, feelings, emotions rather than just letting them go.
We resist even resisting....