
Peace and Joy
be with you and yours.

Re-awakening the Mind of a Child:
Loving Kindness


Absence of Entification
Absence of Unnecessary Conditioning
Absence of Unnecessary Thinking
Absence of Time and
   its Perception

Absence of Selfish Anger
Absence of Unnecessary

Attachment Theory
Belief Systems
Belief Systems Types
Belief Systems Lie
Reality Types Realist
Reality Types Idealist
Reality Types Liberal
Reality Types Conservative
Reality Types Matrix
Reality Types Diagonal
Reality Types Presenting-
   Shadow Personality

Reality Types
   Collapsing Personalities

Reality Types Absolute Reality
Reality Types Awareness
The Human Condition
Human Condition
   Essential Scripts

Human Condition Facts of Life
Human Condition Facts of Life

Human Condition
   Secondary Gain

Human Condition Fear:
   The Foundation

Tibetan Meditation 1
Tibetan Meditation 2
Alternative: The Belief Closet
Appreciating I
Appreciating II
Thank you
  Appreciating II

Even though I am aware of conditioned existence,
I beam unconditioned awareness
as I am without attachment.

I invite peace and joy, wisdom & compassion
with a spirit of Equanimity.

Being Compassion I recognize another is suffering
and do something to relieve that suffering actively or
- passively, appreciating that we learn most from our failures.
Being Equanimity I sense all elements of experience
(including one's own sense of all elements of experience)
as being one in the same without difference or distinction.
One might describe equanimity
as a "Just-as-it-is" sense or attitude without attachment or detachment.

being Empathy I feel (pathos) INTO (em) another,
I actually sense WITHOUT JUDGEMENT
how the other is feeling in light of the cards one has been dealt.
Instead of
acting in Sympathy which is to feel (pathos) sorry FOR (sym) another
thereby dis-respecting the human hood of another,
victimizing that person
by rendering him/her to the fate of the cards one has been dealt.

Likewise, with my own being in space-time
I do not let the hand I have been dealt dictate my life.

Hence, I am without attachment or resistance
to the way things are in themselves in the moment.

I neither obsess nor fixate
in preserving any belief system, feeling, or even experience.

I am free.
If change is imminent or possibly forthcoming,
I am free to acknowledge and accept change
rather than be caught in the FEAR of CHANGE, which is FEAR.

I no longer fear being in control.
I no longer fear being out of control.
I no longer fear being controlled either
  by my thoughts, feelings, or emotions or
  by people, places, things, or events.

Being without fear,
I am secure in my decisions.
I may feel joy.
Certainly, peace.
I just decide.

I am free to decide,
rather than making decisions based in FEAR
which may not be as productive as decisions made in FREEDOM.

I decide.
Simple as that:
I decide to lift a weight, to drink a glass of water,
to make a life change, to get out of the way: all the same.
No thought. Just action in Freedom.
It is just the right-on-course thing to do.
There is no question, no hesitation.
Just do it. And it is done.

Things happen, then they aren't.

Something new is always emerging each moment -
in the pause between each inhalation & exhalation.

I experience wonderment and awe-
It is ALL brand new-
  each and every thought, feeling and emotion-
  each and every perception I create of:
  each and every person, situation, circumstance.-
Yes! It is all brand new!!-
How wonderfully exciting!!! AWESOME!!

I sense that I am the space within which I emerge,
The space between each inhale and exhale.

Previous:  Appreciating I
Next: Re-awakened

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